January 23, 2023 11:10 a.m.

As the 2023 Legislative Session is underway, House Republican Leader Vicki-Breeze-Iverson and Senate Republican Leader Tim Knopp have sent a letter to Senate President Bob Wagner and Speaker of the House Dan Rayfield to address the legislature’s fiscal responsibility.

The letter said, “In December of 2022, the Legislative Fiscal Office and the Chief Financial Office indicated revenues will be short about $560 million of expected government spending this upcoming fiscal biennium. When government spending gets out of hand, government should revisit its scope and size”.

The letter said, “Thus, we are requesting that the Legislative Assembly carry out its duty and obligation to fiscal responsibility in this Session”. Republicans requested that the Assembly exercise its authority and hold committee hearings, “…which identify fiscal issues and solutions, ensuring that government spending is effectual”.

The Republican Leaders highlighted five areas of concern looking ahead to this session of the legislature:

*American Rescue Plan Act

*Housing and Homelessness

*Wildfire Relief

*Drought Relief

*K-12 Summer Enrichment

The full letter is linked at

Republican Leaders Send Joint Letter to President Wagner & Speaker Rayfield Addressing Fiscal Responsibility of the Legislature