June 23, 2022 3:30 a.m.

On Wednesday, the campaign of candidate for governor Christine Drazan announced that she has outraised each of the previous four GOP gubernatorial nominees in the month immediately following the primary.

A release said Drazan has raised nearly $1 million since May 17th, with $750,000 raised in the past two weeks alone.

Campaign manager Trey Rosser said “Her historic start to the general election further underscores the fact that Christine is garnering support from every corner of Oregon with her message of change”.

The release said Drazan has released a long list of endorsements from over sixty elected and former elected officials as well as two of her top primary challengers: Dr. Bud Pierce and Sandy Mayor Stan Pulliam. https://mailchi.mp/feef0628672a/pierce-pulliam-gop-leaders-headline-growing-list-of-drazan-endorsements