February 6, 2024 3:25 a.m.
UC-Veg along with partners Thrive Umpqua, The Lifestyle and Family Medicine Residency and the Umpqua Community College Nursing Department are presenting international speaker Dr. Michael Greger in Roseburg.
The author of the New York Times best-selling book, “How Not to Die” will deliver a presentation Tuesday night at 6:30 pm. in UCC Jacoby’s Auditorium.
Dr. Greger’s presentation will delve into natural ways to slow the aging process, shedding light on the diets and lifestyles of the healthiest and longest-living populations worldwide.
Tickets are $10 per person. To register, go to: https://ucveg.org/dr-greger-2024/
Dr. Greger will be on Inside Douglas County Tuesday afternoon at 12:30 p.m. on News Radio 93-9 FM and 1240 KQEN.