April 22, 2024 3:30 a.m.

The Roseburg City Council has a varied agenda for its meeting Monday night.

Councilors will consider an ordinance repealing a section of the Roseburg Municipal Code regarding the expenditure authority of the Economic Development Commission. A second ordinance will be voted on which allows the commission to approve grant awards up to $7,500 as long as the funding has been approved by the city manager and only if the funds have been budgeted for the current fiscal year.

The council will vote on authorizing the execution of an amendment to the Intergovernmental Agreement with the Oregon Department of Transportation for the Stewart Park Drive Bridge Rehabilitation Project. Since the original scoping in 2022, the total estimated project cost has increased due to inflation. The project is set to bid in August.

Councilors will have a discussion regarding the off-street parking program.

Mayor Larry Rich will proclaim May as Historic Preservation Month and May 1st as Thrive Umpqua Day.

Other items are on the agenda as well. The meeting will be held in the council chambers beginning at 7:00 p.m. It can be seen on the city’s Facebook page or viewed later at