Photo credits: Will Geschke

January 4, 2022 4:10 a.m.

Rainfall for the month of December was less than normal in Roseburg.

Forecasters at the National Weather Service in Medford told News Radio 93-9 FM and 1240 KQEN that the Roseburg Regional Airport had 4.88 inches of rain last month. The average rainfall amount for December in Roseburg is 6.05 inches. While many residents may have felt that the month was wetter than commonly seen, forecasters said that’s probably because much of the rain came during the holidays when December was wrapping up.

Data from the NWS shows that December 27th had .88 inches of rain, and the 29th received .78 inches of precipitation. The 30th of the month had .50 inches of rain, while the 26th got .34 inches.

For the Water Year, which is measured from October through October, this year is looking better than the recent past, but is still behind average amounts. Roseburg has gotten 10.65 inches of rain since October, while the average amount is 13.44 inches. That puts Roseburg 2.79 inches below the average for the Water Year.

Daily rain is in the forecast for Roseburg for at least the next 10 days, though the amount of precipitation expected each day varies.