December 30, 2021 3:10 p.m.  

The Oregon Health Authority’s most recent update on breakthrough cases, released on Thursday, reported 6,993 cases of COVID-19 during the week of December 19th to December 25th.

Of those cases, 4,426, or 63.3 percent were unvaccinated people while 2,567 or 36.7 percent were vaccine breakthrough cases.

The average age of the breakthrough cases during that period was 36. 15 breakthrough cases involved residents of care facilities, senior living communities, and other congregate care settings. There were 137 cases in people aged 12 to 17.

OHA said to date, there have been 53,604 vaccine breakthrough cases in Oregon. The average age of all cases is 46. Breakthrough cases have been reported in all 36 counties.

OHA said cases of COVID-19 are far more common in unvaccinated people. The report shows that the rate of COVID-19 in unvaccinated people is currently 3 times higher that in vaccinated peopled.

To date, 4.3 percent of all vaccine breakthrough cases have been hospitalized and 1.2 percent have died. The average age of vaccinated people was 81.

The breakthrough report is linked: