September 27, 2021 3:50 a.m. 

There are a number of COVID-19 vaccination opportunities in the county this week.

The Douglas County Tiger Team has a county wide vaccine program via free pop-up vaccine clinics, with Umpqua Valley Ambulance, who provides a certified vaccinator and a medical assistant. Clinics are open to anyone age 18 and older and preregistration is not required. For a list of upcoming clinics go to: Call 670-3110 if you are interested in having a team come to your location.

Aviva Health is offering free drive through COVID-19 vaccination and testing services to all symptomatic residents as well as registered Aviva Health patients that are asymptomatic. No appointment is needed. Patients must be 12 years of age and older. The drive through is at 4221 Northeast Stephens Street near Costco. It is open weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Vaccinations are also available at Aviva’s outlying clinics in Sutherlin, north county, Glide and Myrtle Creek. People seeking vaccinations at those locations should call 672-9596 to determine availability.

Cow Creek Health and Wellness Center is offering COVID-19 vaccinations at the Public Health Site at Seven Feathers Casino Resort in Canyonville. Appointments are needed. Call 670-2949. Residents must be 18 years of age and older to receive the vaccine.