April 30, 2020 10:05 a.m.
Most City of Roseburg parks remain open to individuals and families, but group gatherings are not allowed.
Parks and Recreation Program Manager Kris Ammerman said that follows Governor Kate Brown’s “Stay Home, Save Lives” Executive Order. In an effort to promote social distancing, as well as mitigate the potential spread of COVID-19, the skate park, outdoor sports courts and playground equipment areas are still closed.
The golf course, open spaces, natural areas, and trails are still open. Staff has posted signs at entrance and exit points reminding users to strictly adhere to social distancing. Park rest rooms are closed and portable rest rooms have been placed in a few key locations.
The gate at Sunshine Park is still closed since it is essentially a “drive to” park and does not support any walkable neighborhoods.
Go to www.cityofroseburg.org for information about City of Roseburg parks.