November 21, 2022 4:10 a.m.

Douglas County government has announced that all offices will be closed on Thursday for the Thanksgiving Day holiday.

In addition, some departments may have limited hours or be lightly staffed on Friday. Residents should call ahead to see if the department they want to do business with has staff available to assist them. For general inquiries call 672-3311.

Senior Dining Sites and the Meals on Wheels program will be will be closed on Thursday. The dining sites will resume dine-in service on Friday. Patrons needing meals for Thursday, should call Senior Services at 440-3677 to request an extra meal during their Tuesday dine-in service or Meals on Wheels delivery.

While government offices are closed, many officials and public employees are still working. That includes deputies, 911 communications, and other Douglas County Sheriff’s Office staff who will continue to provide law enforcement protection and emergency assistance.