July 3, 2019 11:00 a.m.
As boaters are headed out for the 4th of July holiday, law enforcement officers are on heightened alert looking for people violating boating under the influence laws, and deputies from the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office are participating as well.
Sergeant Brad O’Dell said DCSO, in partnership with the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators and the U.S. Coast Guard, are part of the Operation Dry Water heightened awareness and enforcement week this Friday through Sunday.
O’Dell said DCSO is working to increase boater awareness of the dangers and risks associated with boating under the influence and will be on the lookout for impaired drivers. O’Dell said boaters will notice an overall increase in marine patrols on the water and land. He said the priority during the holiday weekend is to provide boaters with a safe and enjoyable experience by removing dangerous and impaired boaters from the waterways.
O’Dell said alcohol can impair a boater’s judgement, balance, vision and reaction time. Operating a vessel under the influence of alcohol is illegal on all bodies of water and can lead to serious injuries and consequences. Oregon’s laws for driving and boating under the influence of intoxicants are generally similar. Unlike driving laws however, Oregon boating laws allows open containers of alcohol in boats and boat operators are allowed to consume alcohol. O’Dell said like vehicle drivers, the legal limit is .08% blood alcohol content and boat operators must not be impaired to a perceptible degree. BUII laws are enforceable on any public waterway and pertain to any kind of boat, including motor boats, rafts, kayaks, and other paddle craft.