May 4, 2021 3:35 a.m.
The Bureau of Land Management Roseburg District has released an Environmental Assessment for proposed fire recovery activities on BLM-administered lands within the Archie Creek Fire perimeter.
Cheyne Rossbach of the BLM said the EA analyzes the potential environmental effects of salvage harvesting timber in fire-affected stands and removing hazard trees along roadways and near private and BLM-developed facilities.
Rossbach said the EA is available on BLM’s ePlanning website:
The BLM will host an open house at the Swiftwater Day Use Area on Thursday, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Staff will be available to provide information about the EA and answer questions on the analysis. A field visit for those interested in looking at a representative stand will depart from the Swiftwater Day Use Area at 11:00 a.m. and return no later than 1:00 p.m.
Rossbach said the BLM is committed to supporting local communities and economies impacted by fire. He said in order to recover the economic value from the timber before the wood deteriorates, the BLM has specific management direction to conduct timely harvest of salvage timber on certain designated BLM-administered lands. Rossbach said in addition, the BLM has management direction to remove trees that are a hazard to people and/or infrastructure.
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