May 15, 2020 3:40 a.m.
Douglas County Commissioners have addressed the Phase 1 Reopening process getting underway in Douglas County on Friday.
A release said the process is completely mandated by the state, and local officials do not have the authority to enforce, change or approve any of the guidelines. Under the Governor’s guidelines:
Restaurants and bars in Douglas County may open for sit-down service, but only with adequate physical distancing and the wearing of face covering by employees. Customers are encouraged to wear face coverings, but of course not when they are eating:
Personal care businesses, such as salons, barber shops and gyms may open in a very limited way. Physical distancing and increased sanitation is required. There are additional guidelines like wearing face coverings and gloves at salons. Salons must serve customers by appointment and maintain records for contact tracing:
Retails businesses can also open using physical distancing, as long as they can follow Occupational Safety and Health Administration guidelines. It is recommended to provide guidelines to customers through proper signage, one-way flow in aisles, and using tape markings to delineate:
Childcare, summer school, and youth programs will also be allowed to resume while adhering to certain guidelines:
Local gatherings can increase in size to 25 again, with physical distancing.
The release said Douglas County must remain in Phase 1 for at least 21 days before becoming eligible to advance to Phase 2. According to the state, if there are significant increases in COVID-19 cases or community spread, the Oregon Health Authority will work with local public health officials to evaluate what actions should be taken. It could necessitate Douglas County moving back from Phase 1 to stay-home status. Details regarding Phase 2 and Phase 3 will come later from the Governor.