April 27, 2020 3:25 a.m.
The Roseburg City Council will have its first ever virtual city council meeting Monday night.
The council will meet via Zoom, with members of the public able to watch on multiple platforms. That includes on the city’s website, its Facebook page and on Charter cable channel 191. No public input will be taken during the meeting, but residents with comments can email them to City Recorder Amy Sowa, prior to 4:00 p.m.
Councilors will consider a resolution in support of the Roseburg Public Schools bond levy, which is on the May Primary Ballot.
Council will look at what to do with the parking enforcement contract for downtown Roseburg. The Downtown Roseburg Association has indicated they would like to terminate the contract early. The organization has laid off all staff for the month of April. Notes from city staff said performing both parking enforcement and a downtown main street program is not compatible or financially feasible for DRA. The organization owes the City approximately $18,000 in past due payments for the program. Staff is looking into other options for parking enforcement, but a note to councilors said it may take a while to come up with a new plan.
Mayor Larry Rich will have a number of proclamations including Volunteer Recognition Month, for Arbor Day, and for historic preservation month. Appointments to the Budget Committee will be announced as well.
The links to view the meeting are posted with this story:  It will begin at 7:00 p.m.
Charter cable channel 191