December 17, 2019 4:05 a.m.
In the KQEN Business Spotlight:
On Monday Roseburg Forest Products announced additional refinements to its Commercial Organization overseen by Senior Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer Ashlee Cribb.
The RFP release said that effective January 1st, the company’s Commercial structure will align to its market channels. A pair of directors will lead each market channel, one from the sales team and another from the newly created strategic business management team, with this leadership structure:
*Industrial Distribution and Original Equipment Manufacturers will have Phil Pierot as Sale Director and Tim Pruitt as Business Director.
*Wholesale and Retail Distribution will have Tom Wardach as Sales Director and Jim Buffington as Business Director
The release said Business Directors are responsible for channel strategies that develop markets, generate demand, and drive innovation. Those leaders will collaborate with sales directors and their teams to implement strategies and create value for Roseburg clients, according to the release. It said a Client Care Team is being created in the Supply Chain and Logistics team, that when fully developed will focus on after-the-sale service to the client.
In addition to those changes, Mike McCollum has been named Business Director-International. In this role, he will focus on identifying and growing global business for Roseburg across all segments.
Cribb said the mix of roles will allow the company to be more effective in how it services clients and “move alongside them with products and services to help them grow”. She said their overriding goal as a commercial organization is to create value for its clients and make it easy to do business with Roseburg. Cribb said as the company “increases our presence as a global player operating in mature markets, it is critical that we accelerate our ability to develop demand and innovate with our products and services”.