Photo credit: City of Roseburg
December 11, 2019 3:55 a.m.
Officials with the City of Roseburg have announced the installation of a new electric vehicle charging station.
Located at the Roseburg Public Library, the station will be celebrated during a ribbon cutting ceremony on Thursday December 19th at 10:00 a.m.
A release from Communications Specialist Eric Johnson said both residents and visitors now have an additional option for charging their electric vehicle. City Manager Nikki Messenger said when the staff looked at the placement of the station, they wanted to make sure that people had the option to walk around and visit local businesses. She said this along with the other stations in town “position Roseburg as an attractive destination for electric vehicle owners”.

The release said the installation of the electric charging station is the third public ChargePoint station funded by the City of Roseburg. A portion of the project was due to a $25,000 grant from Pacific Power. A grant request from local resident and business person David Reeck was submitted to the utility along with assistance from city staff.
Reeck said electric vehicles are much more energy efficient than internal combustion engine vehicles and therefore the operating costs per mile is much lower. Reeck said since the chargers are free to use, visitors and electric car owners on Interstate Five should be attracted to “visit our beautiful Roseburg”.
The City matched the grant with funds from the hotel lodging taxes, which are used to promote tourism activities. The two additional ChargePoint stations in Roseburg are in the downtown parking garage and near the Umpqua Valley Arts Association on West Harvard.
More information about the charging station is available at