Photo credit: OSP
November 27, 2019 3:45 a.m. 
Fish and Wildlife Troopers with Oregon State Police cited four men for illegal hunting on Sunday.
An OSP release said the department received information about illegal hunting in the Drew area off the Tiller Trail Highway on Saturday.
An investigation revealed that the group was hunting in the Dixon unit. Their bow tags were valid in the Evans Creek unit until just south of the Dixon unit according to the report. One buck was shot after dark on Saturday using a .22 caliber magnum rifle while it was being spotlighted. Another 3-point deer was shot by bow in the Dixon unit about three days earlier. The 3-point buck had already been transported to Coos Bay.
The report said as a result of the investigation, two compound bows, a .22 caliber magnum rifle, a spotlight and a buck deer were seized. The second buck deer was seized by the Coos Bay office of OSP.
47-year old Paul Morford of Coos Bay was cited for two counts of hunting and taking a buck deer in a closed area, for hunting using a prohibited method and for hunting prohibited hours. 49-year old Alvis Neal Jr. of Roseburg was cited for hunting a buck deer in a closed area and for aiding in a game violation. 72-year old Alvis Neal Sr. and 23-year old Kenneth Brown, both of Coos Bay, were each cited for 2 counts of aiding in a game violation. All members of the group were released after the citations were issued.