November 6, 2019 4:15 a.m.
Voters in Tenmile said yes to a tax measure, while those in Reedsport rejected a proposed charter amendment during a Special Election in Douglas County on Tuesday.
Final unofficial results from the Douglas County Clerk’s Office show that 60 percent of those who cast a ballot in the Tenmile Rural Fire District approved a local option tax levy. That means property owners in the district will pay an additional 75 cents per $1,000 of assessed value to fund a full-time fire chief/paramedic. 40 percent of voters said no to the idea with 531 total votes cast.
In the City of Reedsport, a measure asked if the Charter should be amended to remove the restriction on utility rate adjustments not exceeding 3 percent annually. That idea went down to defeat 68 percent to 32 percent. 1,174 votes were cast.
Douglas County Clerk Daniel Loomis said close to 40 percent of registered voters turned in a ballot in the two districts. Loomis said official certified results will be completed in approximately two weeks.