October 25, 2019 10:00 a.m.  (updated October 26, 6:30 a.m.)
The Douglas County Board of Commissioners are accepting applications for one representative for the Parks Advisory Board.
Currently an at large representative is being sought.
The PAB is a citizen advisory body that advises the Commissioners and the Parks Director. It is composed of seven members. The PAB consists of members who are representative of the entire county. They advise on policies for the Parks Department and on the annual budget. The group meets once a month.
A release from the County said Commissioners are looking for people with specific skills or background in areas that would benefit the County Parks System. Those applying must be a resident of Douglas County, have demonstrated an interest and experience relative to the needs of the Parks Department. Experience with government, board operations, recreation management and planning is preferred. PAB members serve four-year terms. Members are expected to attend a majority of the monthly PAB meetings and be actively engaged with the area of the county they reside in.
Citizens interested in being considered for the PAB should submit an application to the Board of Commissioners. Applications are available at or in the Commissioner’s office.