October 14, 2019 4:00 a.m.
World Food Week is underway and the food bank program of the United Community Action Network has its Empty Bowls Project Dinner fundraiser Monday evening.
Food Bank Director Sarah McGregor said that Empty Bowls is an international grassroots effort to fight hunger. She said the premise is simple: Potters and other craftspeople work with the community to create handcrafted bowls. Those who attend the event select a bowl and have a meal of soup and bread. At the end of the evening they can keep their bowl or donate it back for future years.
Over 10 local restaurants are providing soup for the event. Tickets are $25 per person in advance, or $30 at the door. They can be purchased at www.ucanfillemptybowls.com or by calling 672-3421.
McGregor said last year the Empty Bowl event helped fund over 25,000 meals for families in the community.
Empty Bowls runs from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Food Bank Warehouse near Costco, north of Roseburg.