October 11, 2019 3:30 a.m.
The Southwest Oregon Regional Forest Practices Committee will meet in Grants Pass on Thursday October 24th.
A release from the Oregon Department of Forestry said the selection of the Operator of the Year will be made. Updates on other topics will take place including:
*Reforestation implementation study
*Siskiyou project
*Western Oregon Desired Future Condition/Large-wood project
*Interagency work on water quality and mercury levels
*Wildlife food pilot rules
*Interagency agreements regarding fish passage
*Marbled murrelet protection rules
The release said there will be an opportunity for public comment near the beginning of the meeting.
Regional Forest Practices Committees are panels of citizens, mandated under Oregon law, that advise the Oregon Board of Forestry on current forestry issues and forest management practices. Under Oregon law, a majority of the committee’s members must be private forest landowners and logging or forest operations companies.
The meeting will be held at the Oregon Department of Forestry Office on Monument Highway.