October 2, 2019 3:55 a.m.
Entries are now being taken for the annual Douglas County Veterans Day Parade..
Known as the greatest Veteran’s Day parade in Oregon, the event takes place in downtown Roseburg on Monday November 11th starting at 11:00 a.m.
This year the grand marshals will be representatives from generations of military families. The theme is “Celebrating Multi-Generational Military Families”.
The parade will follow the traditional route through downtown Roseburg starting at the Roseburg Public Library and going down Southeast Jackson to Southeast Lane. Then the route heads north on Southeast Main before turning right onto Southeast Douglas Avenue and concluding in front of the Douglas County Courthouse.
The entry deadline for the parade is October 31st by 5:00 p.m. Entries must include a completed parade application and the $5 entry fee. Entries received after that date will not be judged. Late entries will be added to the parade in the order that they are received.
Applications are available by going to: http://www.co.douglas.or.us/veterans/docs/parade/2019_Parade_Application_new.pdf
They must be mailed to the Veterans Day Parade Committee at PO Box 1124 in Roseburg, 97470.
The parade committee is also accepting applications from generations of families that want to be included as grand marshals. For more information about the event, contact the parade committee at 671-1274.