photo credit: DFPA
August 28, 2019 3:50 a.m.
A quick response from local fire crews stopped a potentially devastating wildfire Tuesday morning in northern Douglas County.
Kyle Reed from the Douglas Forest Protective Association said crews from that agency and from the North Douglas County Fire and EMS responded to a smoke investigation 3 miles northeast of Drain at around 11:00 a.m. Reed said they located a homeowner near the 2,000 block of Umpqua Highway 99 conducting an unpermitted burn on their property.
Reed said the homeowner had burned about 1/10th of an acre of grass, brush and trees before fire crews shut the burn down. Firefighters remained on the scene for just over an hour, mopping up hot spots and securing control lines. Reed said a citation was issued to the homeowner for the illegal burn and they will also be billed for fire suppression costs.
Reed said their crews continue to run on calls daily for violations of Public Use Restrictions. Reed said with the most critical fire conditions they have seen so far this summer in the forecast, everyone’s help is needed to prevent human caused wildfires.
Reed said DFPA’s Public Use Restrictions remain in place and all backyard debris burning, including debris piles and burn barrels, remains prohibited.
A number of other activities are either restricted or prohibited under the Public Use Restrictions.  A detailed list of the restrictions is posted at www.dfpa.net or can be heard by calling DFPA’s information line at 672-0379.