August 28, 2019 3:40 a.m.
The Glendale School District is hosting a barbecue for that community Wednesday night at the high school football field from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Superintendent David Hanson said the purpose of the event is for the community to share its opinions and feedback on how to improve relations between Glendale and the district.
Hanson said last year the district qualified for a grant from Oregon’s Chronic Absenteeism Plan, due to the high percentage of chronically absent students, which was at 36 percent. He said part of the funding is to help school districts increase community involvement. Funding from the grant is being used to host the barbecue.
Hanson said improving community relations is his top priority and meeting the citizens of Glendale is a great start to know how better to serve students.
Hanson said he is hoping to hear from both adults and students as he wants to know what the educators can do to help students have a better experience in the classroom.
At the barbecue booths will be set up so local community members can meet people from the schools and from other local services. There will also be a chance to win prizes.
Hamburgers, hot dogs, and veggie and chicken burgers will be served.
Contact the Glendale School District for more information.