August 26, 2019 9:30 a.m. 
A ribbon cutting to celebrate a renewable energy project will take place Tuesday morning at the FISH Food Pantry in Roseburg.
The project involves a new roof mounted solar photovoltaic power system installation. It consists of 45 new Oregon made solar panels divided among the west and south facing slopes of the FISH Food Pantry building. A release from FISH said the project makes a significant impact for the non-profit by reducing its electricity needs by about 40%.
Nis Jessen, board president for The FISH said by generating their own energy, they will be able to free up more of their budget to focus on their core mission of assisting in reducing hunger within Douglas County. He said the Pacific Power Blue Sky program provided about 70% of the funding for the project.
Blue Sky is an opt-in program that the gives customers of the utility the opportunity to reduce their carbon footprint while supporting the development of new renewable energy. Through the program customers can also invest in qualifying, renewable energy projects for community-serving organizations, such as FISH. Since 2006, participants have supported more than 120 community-based solar, wind, geothermal, and renewable energy projects across Pacific Power’s service area.
Construction on the new solar power system at FISH began in June. Work was completed by the end of July.
The ribbon cutting and celebration will begin at 10:30 a.m. Representatives from Pacific Power and from the Energy Trust of Oregon will be among those participating. The Fish Food Pantry is in the non-profit campus just north of Costco, off of Northeast Stephens.