July 8, 9:30 a.m. 
The 33rd annual River Appreciation Day is happening Saturday at Whistler’s Bend, east of Roseburg.
The event is presented by Umpqua Watersheds and will run from 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The first River Appreciation Day was at River Forks Park in 1987. In 1989 the Oregon State Legislature passed a resolution officially naming the third Saturday in July as River Appreciation Day.
Saturday’s activities will include swimming, floating, disc golfing, environmental speakers, art activities, camping and live music. Utah Bob and the Fencer Stretchers, Ken Carloni, and other musicians will be featured. Camping is available by going to www.co.douglas.or.us.
Find out more about River Appreciation Day by calling Umpqua Watersheds or by going to www.umpquawatersheds.org.