July 8, 2019 3:50 a.m. 
Miss Oregon Outstanding Teen Marin Gray of Roseburg has only had the title for a little over a week, but is already preparing for national competition, which will begin soon.
The 14-year old incoming sophomore at Roseburg High School has a personal platform called B.R.A.V.E. That stands for building respect, alliances, and values for everyone. Gray has led special events to promote that platform.
Gray said her motivation comes from the family values that have been instilled in her, including education, working hard and “going for your goals”.
Along with her own platform, Gray is already working to promote the national platform for the Miss America Outstanding Teen program as she gets ready for the next level of competition:
Gray said she has personal reasons for helping the organization as well:
National competition is in Orlando, Florida starting July 27th. Marin Gray was on the Morning Conversation Friday on News Radio 1240 KQEN. That interview is a KQEN podcast at www.541radio.com