July 4, 2019 4:30 a.m.
Officials with the Roseburg Fire Department are offering some advice for the 4th of July.
*Fireworks are not allowed in Stewart Park, Fir Grove Park, the golf course, the duck pond, or the natural area of Stewart Park.
*Fireworks can be discharged in other public areas of the City and on private property with permission from the owner of that property.
*Only fireworks purchased from licensed vendors are allowed.
*Fireworks that explode, fly into the air, or travel more than twelve feet horizontally on the ground are strictly prohibited.
*Be respectful of neighbors and pets as not everyone appreciates the loud noises that are associated with this holiday.
Some general safety tips include:
*Only use fireworks as recommended. Do not hold or alter them.
*Do not let children use sparklers or other fireworks without adult supervision. Even “safe” fireworks can cause serious burns and injuries if misused.
*Only use fireworks outdoors, on a paved surface, away from buildings and vegetation.
*Keep a bucket of water on hand. Soak all used fireworks overnight before discarding. If possible, have a garden hose or fire extinguisher on hand.
*Don’t touch or go near “dud” fireworks for at least 15 minutes. Do not re-light them.