December 3, 2024 11:10 a.m.
The Sunshine Park Urban Growth Boundary Expansion application moved forward following a joint meeting of the City of Roseburg Planning Commission and the Douglas County Planning Commission on Monday night.
A meeting synopsis from City of Roseburg staff said the city’s Planning Commission requested that staff prepare Findings of Fact and recommended adoption of the Legislative Amendment with the action items outlined in the staff report. The commission referred the request to the Roseburg City Council for approval.
The synopsis said the Douglas County Planning Commission recommended the co-adoption of the UGB expansion with two action items outlined in the staff report to the Douglas County Board of Commissioners.
The city wants to expand the UGB to include nearly 50 acres of Sunshine Park property on the eastern side of the park. The entire park property was purchased by the city in 1999, but only portions of it are located within the UGB and city limits.