September 213, 2024 3:40 a.m.

The Roseburg City Council will consider an amendment to an intergovernmental agreement with Umpqua Community College to fund scholarships, marketing and the capital project associated with the Southern Oregon Medical Workforce Center as part of its meeting Monday night.

The agreement with UCC was originally authorized in November of 2023. It was the most recent step in a decade long effort to try and locate a medical education facility in the area. The college is anticipating being able to bid the capital project in the summer of 2025 and has already raised substantial match dollars towards its capital construction budget.

Notes from staff said all the activities identified by college president Dr. Rachel Pokrandt fit within the purview of the grant funding, which is budgeted and is available. Staff are recommending the council provide the requested funding.

Councilors will get an update on American Rescue Plan Act funds and is expected to ask staff to bring back a supplemental budget proposal to transfer a portion of the ARPA funds to the General Fund to pay for a number of projects that have been identified by city staff.

Councilors will consider appointments to the Homeless Commission and the Library Commission.

Other items are on the agenda.

The meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers. It can be viewed on the city’s Facebook page or seen later at