July 30, 2024 3:05 a.m.

On Monday, the National Republican Congressional Committee named Monique DeSpain to their Young Guns Program, recognizing her campaign as what they believe is one of the best in the country and making OR-04 a key flip opportunity for national Republicans.

DeSpain said, “I am honored to be named to the NRCC’s Young Guns Program as one of the nation’s strongest challengers in my campaign to unseat corrupt incumbent career politician Val Hoyle”. DeSpain said, “Val Hoyle has been a rubber stamp for all the worst policies coming out of Washington D.C.”.

The Young Guns program supports candidates across the country, providing them with support to help them campaign against a Democratic opponent.

DeSpain said, “As a retired Air Force Colonel, a fighter for crime victims, and the mother of twin sons, I will pursue bold commonsense solutions to secure our borders, end the fentanyl crisis, restore an affordable economy and bring the transparency and accountability to government that voters deserve this November”.

The 4th district includes about half of Douglas County. DeSpain is facing incumbent representative Val Hoyle, a Democrat. Justin Filip, a member of the Green Party will also be on the November General Election ballot.