July 27, 2024 11:20 a.m.
Northwest Team 7 is currently managing the Diamond Complex, which is estimated at 4,489 acres and 7 percent contained.
An Umpqua National Forest update said Team 7 has assumed command of the Middle Fork, which is 641 acres and 1 percent contained. There are currently 25 fires and 570 personnel assigned to the incident.
The largest fires are:
*Pine Bench Fire: 1,654 acres and zero percent contained. It is north of Highway 138 near Dry Creek.
*Trail Fire: 818 acres and 10 percent contained. It is east of Highway 138 on the west slope of Mt. Thielsen.
*Lemolo Fire: 734 acres and zero percent contained. It is north of Lemolo Lake on Bunker Hill.
*Potter Fire: 578 acres and zero percent contained. It is north of Highway 138, about 2 miles southeast of Potter Mountain.
*Watson Fire: 190 acres and 10 percent contained. It is north of Highway 138 on Watson Ridge.
The Middle Fork is in the northwest corner of Crater Lake National Park. Crews will continue to work on the southern perimeter to stop progression towards historic buildings and infrastructure in the park. They will continue to improve access and create fuel breaks along the Bert Creek Trail to the junction of the Bald Creek Trail.
More information on the Diamond Complex is on its Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61562801135716