July 3, 2024 2:50 a.m. 

The 4th annual Roseburg High School Foundation Golf Tournament is coming to the Roseburg Country Club on Saturday August 3rd.

A foundation release said the event generates revenue for the organization’s core functions: scholarships for graduating seniors, grants for programs and classrooms benefiting all RHS students and growing the RHSF Permanent Fund.

Golf committee chair Joe Newton said, “We are working hard to make the RHS Foundation Golf Tournament unique and fun”. Newton said, “Free Abby’s pizza, cool tournament gifts, and great prizes for our winners make the day one you don’t want to miss”.

Foundation President Brian Prawitz said every current RHS student benefits from the foundation. Prawitz said events like this ensure that future students will continue to benefit from the RHSF as well.

The release said the mission of the Roseburg High School Foundation is to enhance and improve educational opportunities by securing and distributing financial resources for students and staff at Roseburg High School.

For more information on the golf tournament or to be signed up, go to: https://www.roseburghighschoolfoundation.org/