April 16, 2024 3:40 a.m.
The City of Roseburg Community Development Department will hold an open house regarding a proposed urban growth boundary swap on Tuesday night at 7:00 p.m.
A City release said the meeting will be held in the Roseburg Public Library’s Ford Room, on Northeast Diamond Lake Boulevard.
Community Development Department Director Stuart Cowie said, “The objective of the UGB swap is to provide opportunities for housing development. The UGB swap is a toll that the City can use to be able to meet our 20-year housing projection needs identified in the City’s 2019 housing needs analysis”.
Staff will provide more detailed information about the swap and how that could impact property owners. It involves moving the 220-acre Charter Oaks property into the urban growth boundary so the land could be developed into the Roseburg city limits and then developed. The two sections that are proposed to be withdrawn from the UGB are the 91.5 acre Atkinson property in northwest Roseburg and the 198.5 acre Serafin property in northeast Roseburg.
A public hearing will be held at a joint meeting of the city and county planning commissions, tentatively scheduled for May 6th in the city council chambers. There will be future meetings as part of the process as well.
For more information, contact the Community Development Department via email: cdd@cityofroseburg.org