February 14, 2024 3:30 a.m. 

The Council of State Government’s West has appointed State Senator David Brock Smith as co-chair of the Public Safety Committee for 2024.

Senator Brock Smith represents District 1 in the Oregon Senate, which encompasses all of Curry and most of Coos and Douglas counties. He will serve alongside co-chair Senator Marr Claman of District H in the Alaska Senate.

A CSG release said the Public Safety Committee provides a forum for Western state legislators to exchange information and ideas on public safety issues. Recent issues addressed by this committee included topics such as:

*Tackling the soaring drug crisis

*Addressing mental and behavioral health issues

*Reducing juvenile incarceration rates

*Increasing diversion from the juvenile justice system

*Reducing recidivism

*Increasing data sharing

The release said Senator Brock Smith has extensive public service experience, including public safety. He has served as the chair of the Board of Curry County Commissioners and with the Association of Oregon Counties. Brock Smith is a member of the Oregon Legislature’s Joint Committee on Ways and Means Subcommittee on Public Safety and during his 7 years in the legislature, has served on the Governor’s Opioid Epidemic Task Force, along with being part of a number of other task force groups.

Brock Smith said, “I look forward to working with colleagues across the region on public safety issues affecting our communities and to foster collaboration to address them”. Brock Smith said, “Here in Oregon, Measure 110 has caused drug addiction, homelessness, and crimes to increase unchecked. Working together across the national western region, we can assist each other in finding meaningful solutions and solid tools for our law enforcement officers to protect the health, life and safety of our residents”.

As co-chairs of the Public Safety Committee, Senator Brock Smith and Senator Claman will work with other western state legislators on public safety policy and help shape the programming for the committee’s session during the 77th CSG West Annual Meeting that will Convene in Portland July 9th through 12th.