March 24, 2025 3:05 a.m.

The Douglas County H.O.P.E Drug Court program is preparing for their 109th graduation on May 13 at 5:15 p.m. at the fairgrounds.

Graduate hopeful Nichole DeSpain is seeking assistance for her project to obtain feminine products and financial donations for the Safe Haven Maternity Home.

A Douglas County Circuit Court release said Safe Haven Maternity Home is dedicated to transforming the lives of mothers and their children by offering a safe, stable environment and a pathway towards independence. Safe Haven believes in breaking cycles of trauma by offering more than just shelter. By addressing the root causes of crisis situations and equipping women with skills for long-term stability. Safe Haven seeks to change lives, one mother and child at a time.

Safe Haven Executive Director Evie Kumar said, “Safe Haven strongly believes in the work of HOPE Drug Court. We have seen lives transformed through individuals being given a second chance”.

A donation box for items is located at Adapt Integrated Health Care in the lobby of the second floor. DeSpain chose Safe Haven because she was a victim of domestic violence and recognizes the importance of this program to help expecting mothers feel safe and thrive under their care. DeSpain said, “I think women supporting women is one of the most powerful things we can do as women in recovery”.

More information about Douglas County H.O.P.E. Drug Court is available at: https://douglascountyor.gov/851/HOPE-Drug-Court