August 26, 2024 3:30 a.m.

The Roseburg City Council has a busy agenda for its meeting Monday night.

Councilors will have second reading on several ordinances including a Comprehensive Plan Amendment, a legislative amendment for the Urban Growth Boundary Swap, a proposed prohibited camping amendment, and an ordinance regarding prohibited weapons, tools and other implements on city property.

Councilors will consider authorizing a task order for the 2025 Pavement Management Program for an amount not to exceed just under $130,00. They will vote on approving the purchase of a tractor with a flail mower attachment for the Street Maintenance Division at the cost of just over $121,000.

Other items are on the agenda as well.

The meeting will begin with an Executive Session at 6:45 p.m. The regular meeting starts at 7:00 pm. in the city council chambers. A second Executive Session, which will be the start of the city manager evaluation process, will be held at the conclusion of the regular meeting’s agenda.

It can be seen on the city’s Facebook page or viewed later at: