May 7, 2024 3:30 a.m.
Douglas County Commissioners Chris Boice, Tim Freeman, and Tom Kress along with Salmon Harbor Director James Zimmer and staff at Salmon Harbor Marina, have announced that they have started development of a new master plan exclusively for Salmon Harbor Marina and the Waterfront.
A County release said master plans provide a comprehensive look at the current economy and infrastructure while helping to identify other factors in relation to development, planning acquisitions, tourism, and sustainability. Master plans then go one step farther and provide a glimpse into the future of a community.
Salmon Harbor is partnering with Healthy Sustainable Communities and HGE Architects, to craft a new master plan that not only lays the groundwork for a thriving and resilient future, but also identifies potential development sites and assesses infrastructure requirements. The release said the new plan will also include considerations for future tourism opportunities, sustainability, community growth, support for local commercial fisheries, and innovative solutions that enhance navigation within the marina. HSC and HGE were the successful bidders in the request for proposal process conducted in 2023.
The process for development of the new master plan will actively involve the residents, business owners, and stakeholders, as well as the creation of a diverse Technical Advisory Committee representing various sectors of Salmon Harbor and Waterfront communities. The process also includes the completion of a comprehensive market study, which is currently underway.
Board Chair Chris Boice said, “This collaborative journey signifies our commitment to steering coastal Douglas County towards a sustainable and prosperous future”. Boice said, “Through the combined efforts of our community, stakeholders, and expert advisors, we aim to establish a master plan that becomes a beacon of responsible development along the coast”.
Residents, business owners, tourists and stakeholders can stay informed and participate in shaping the future of Salmon Harbor Marina and Waterfront by going to a new webpage. It will host documents, future open house announcements, and essential information during the master planning process: