April 8, 2024 3:30 a.m.

The Roseburg City Council will consider a resolution supporting the construction of a state veteran’s home in Roseburg and requesting federal funds as part of its meeting Monday night.

Around 2009 to 2010 Roseburg competed for the construction of the facility on the Roseburg VA campus. At that time, the selection committee chose to build the nest state home in Lebanon. Recognizing the growing need to provide veteran services, the Oregon State Legislature adopted a bill in 2011 that directed the Director of Veteran’s Affairs to establish an Oregon Veteran’s Home in Roseburg. Since that time, work has continued in the background to bring the project to fruition.

In 2021, a consultant with ODVA contacted city staff regarding the project. Planning work was underway and upcoming tasks included securing a land agreement and IGA with the Roseburg VA, potential IGAs with the city and the county and developing a plan for the state/local match. During the recent legislative short session, the match funding was included in SB5701, which passed both chambers.

The project is estimated to cost approximately $100 million, including the $35 million state/local match. Councilors will vote on adopting the resolution and supporting the construction of the ODVA Roseburg Veterans Home and requesting federal funding.

A number of other items are on the agenda as well.

The meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. in the city council chambers. It can be seen at the city’s Facebook page or viewed later at