March 4, 2024 9:50 a.m.
On Thursday, Roseburg City Recorder Patty Hitt retired following a year of working for the city.
City Manager Nikki Messenger said, “The entire management team has really enjoyed working with Patty. Even though she was only here a short time, she has a lot of great experience and was able to contribute quickly”. Messenger said, “We are super excited for her adventures in retirement and wish her all the best”.
A City release said Hitt grew up in the Myrtle Creek area and graduated from South Umpqua High School. From 2012 to 2019, she served as the Douglas County Clerk, supervising the recording, elections, archives and vital recording divisions. Hitt also served as the board clerk for the Board of Property Tax Appeals and maintained the permanent record for all Douglas County Commissioners’ official proceedings.
She served as the Douglas County chief deputy clerk/director of elections from 2007 to 2011 and as the Douglas County board assistant from 2006 to 2007. Prior to that, Hitt worked as the office manager and management analyst for the Douglas County Health Department.
Mayor Larry Rich said, “She’s done a great job, I’ve enjoyed working with her. I wish her the best in retirement”.
Hitt has been replaced by Amy Nytes, who has been working as the City of Springfield City Recorder. Nytes started her new job on Monday.
In retirement, Hitt will soon imbark on a grand adventure. She has downsized all her possessions, bought an RV and will soon begin traveling around the country accompanied by four dogs.