February 27, 2024 9:40 a.m.

On Monday, State Senator David Brock Smith and State Representative Christine Goodwin introduced what they called a “common sense amendment” to HB4002 that would flag the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement when a fentanyl dealer and manufacturer is in violation of federal immigration law.

A release from the lawmakers said illegal drugs like fentanyl continue to flow across America’s borders and into the veins of Oregonians at record levels. That is why a group of lawmakers including Brock Smith and Goodwin expressed their strong support of Texas Governor Greg Abbott for his efforts to secure portions of the southern border in a letter earlier this month. The release said their amendment addresses this issue on the ground by utilizing local law enforcement in coordination with federal immigration authorities.

Brock Smith said, “The Biden Administration has refused to enforce our immigration laws and because of it, we’re seeing mass illegal immigration across the southern border. Measure 110 made Oregon a destination for cartels and illegal drug traffickers to poison our kids and communities without consequence. The -4 amendment to HB4002 is needed to save lives by deporting illegal drug dealers”.

Goodwin said, “Oregon’s drug decriminalization experiment and Joe Biden’s open border policy has claimed thousands of lives and done irreparable harm to our communities. This Session, we as lawmakers must do all we can to course correct”. Goodwin said, “This amendment would provide a critical tool local, state and federal law enforcement need to arrest, hold, report, and deport illegal fentanyl dealers”.

The release said the -4 Amendment to HB 4002 will, if a person is arrested for delivery or manufacture of fentanyl, have the arresting officer immediately notify federal immigration authorities. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement will then check the immigration status of the arrested individual and notify the arresting agency of that status.

The Joint Committee on Addiction and Community Safety Response will hold a work session on the legislation and all its proposed amendments Tuesday night at 5:00 p.m. It can be seen at: