January 15, 2024 3:30 a.m.
Douglas Country Commissioner Tim Freeman was recently honored with an Honorary Life Membership from the Vietnam Veterans of America.
A County release said the award was presented by the local Umpqua Valley VVA Chapter #805. It is a prestigious honor only awarded to a select number of individuals each year who dedicate their lives to help and serve veterans but would not otherwise be eligible to obtain a VVA membership.
VVA Chapter #805 President Bill Duncan, Vice-President Roger Boucock and member Jim Little presented Freeman with the award during their January VVA meeting, as well as at the December 13th Board of Commissioners weekly business meeting. The National VVA Board of Directors approved the award in November.
The release said Freeman was presented with this award for his dedicated service to veterans and for his unwavering support of local veterans and veteran’s organizations.
Complete details about Freeman’s award and how he was selected for it are linked: https://douglascountyor.gov/DocumentCenter/View/25039/01-11-24-Commissioner-Freeman-Honored-by-Vietnam-Veterans-of-America