August 18, 2023 10:50 a.m.

Douglas County Commissioners Tom Kress, Chris Boice and Tim Freeman, along with State Representative Virgle Osborne will host an information meeting regarding the Private Forest Accord on Tuesday.

A County release said it will be held from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the OSU Extension Service auditorium on Southeast Douglas Avenue in Roseburg. The meeting will include a presentation from the Oregon Department of Forestry and will provide information about what the PFA means for small timber woodland owners in Douglas County.

The PFA was passed by the Oregon State Legislature in the February 2022 legislative session and established the most comprehensive set of changes to the Oregon Forest Practices Act since its inception in 1971. The OFP Act was the first law of its kind passed in the United States. The PFA represents a year of scientific review, negotiations and collaboration between forestry representatives, small forestland owners and environmental groups.

For more information, call the commissioner’s office at 440-4201.