June 26, 2023 4:20 a.m.

As the Oregon State Legislature adjourned on Sunday, leadership from both parties shared their assessment, though predictably their perspectives varied.

A release from the Oregon House Republican Caucus said a noteworthy amount of time was spent on what the GOP called, “…the most divisive and partisan issues in America: expansion of abortion and gender transition treatment for minors at the expense of Oregon taxpayers, along with more limitations on Oregon’s Second Amendment rights”.

House Republican Leader Vikki Breese Iverson said, “Republicans fought every day to protect Oregonians’ parental rights and the Constitutional rights of law-abiding gun owners. Despite a promise of working together on Oregon’s most pressing issues, Democrats prioritized bills that were simply too extreme for Oregonians. I am proud of the work we did to limit the impact of these devastating bills”.

A release from the House Majority Office said Democrats delivered on every priority are in the Caucus’ Rebuilding for the Future agenda, which was created to respond to the issues Oregonians care about most, including housing and homelessness, public safety, behavioral health and addiction services, a fair economy with good paying jobs, access to reproductive health care, stronger schools and more.

House Majority Leader Julie Fahey said, “The work we accomplished over the last six months will make a real difference in the lives of Oregonians”. House Speaker Dan Rayfield said, “Together, this chamber overcame monumental challenges to seize unprecedented opportunities”.

The release said Democrats passed hundreds of critical bills and investmentsduring the session.