Douglas County Sheriff Shares Letter of Support for School Bond Measure

5/2/2023 4:45 a.m. 

In a letter to the community Monday night, Douglas County Sheriff John Hanlin voiced his support for Roseburg School District Bond Measure 10-206.

In the letter Hanlin said, “As your sheriff at the time of the October 2015 tragedy at Umpqua Community College, I made a promise to the parents and loved ones of the precious individuals we lost. I promised to do everything I reasonable could to help prevent another senseless act of violence from happening again at a school in Douglas County.”

Hanlin said, “I remain committed to that promise, which is why I support Roseburg School Bond Measure 10-206.”

According to DCSO the bond would fund major health and safety repairs for the aging buildings in the Roseburg School District and create funding for security upgrades that Hanlin says are “critical for protecting the thousands of children who attend school in the district, and the hundreds of employees who work there.”

Monday’s letter said the Sheriff’s Office works closely with the Roseburg School District to ensure staff and student safety, including holding active threat trainings in schools.

However, Hanlin said that the additional measures proposed in the school bond, like electric door locks that can be activated with the push of a button, are now essential systems that school districts around the country have implemented to keep everyone safer.

The Sheriff said, “We are a rural community that takes care of our own. Let’s make sure we are doing everything we can to protect our children. Please consider voting “Yes” on Measure 10-206. Together we can take the necessary steps to ensure that our schools are safe and secure, and that we, as a community, are focused on preventing another school tragedy.”