December 28, 2022 10:20 a.m.

Roseburg Disposal is continuing its holiday tradition of collecting Christmas trees for free as its gift to the community.

Bins are available recycling trees at:

*Legion Field on Northwest Stewart Parkway

*Kline Street in front of Hucrest Elementary School

*At the corner of Northwest Calkins Street and Northwest Cherry Drive

*Totem Market on Northeast Stephens Street in Winchester

*Sherm’s Thunderbird parking lot on Northwest Stewart Parkway

*Kowloon Restaurant on Northeast Diamond Lake Boulevard

*The former Umpqua Auction building on Northeast Stephens Street

*On Rose Street near the former Safeway location

*Redeemer’s Fellowship parking lot at the former Cinema location on West Harvard Avenue

*Gaddis Park on Northeast Highland Street

The Douglas County Landfill will recycle the trees into mulch. Trees must be free of ornaments, flocking, lights, plastic bags or other refuse. There is a $15 charge for trees that are picked up at homes or offices. Those trees must be cut into 4 foot or shorter length for pick-up.

Roseburg Disposal’s Christmas tree recycling will continue through January 8th.