December 16, 2022 3:40 a.m.

The Roseburg Dream Center is seeking help with their third annual Christmas Meals on Christmas Eve event.

Directors Jeremy and Hollie Grammon said with the increase in the population of the homeless community, they are increasing their target to make 200 meals this year. After the meals are ready, teams will go to multiple areas around Roseburg. Volunteers are needed to help pack and distribute the meals. Donations of supplies and money to purchase items not brought in are needed as well.

Organizers are seeking:

*10 large hams

*100 pounds of potatoes

*Many cans of green beans

*Bags of precooked rolls with 200 rolls total needed

*Desserts like cookies, pre-sliced banana bread and more

*Large cases of water

Other donations being accepted include winter coats, socks, beanies, gloves, blankets, hard warmers, hygiene kits, wound care kits, tents, tarps and sub-zero sleeping bags.

Hams, potatoes and green beans need to be dropped off by Monday. The remaining donations should be dropped off by next Thursday.

The Roseburg Dream Center is at 2555 Northeast Diamond Lake Boulevard. It is open Mondays through Thursdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Call 673-5918 for more information. Updates will also be on their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/RoseburgDreamCenter