September 1, 2022 3:50 a.m.

Douglas County Commissioner Tim Freeman has been re-appointed to the Public Lands Steering Committee for the National Association of Counties in Washington, D.C.

The re-appointment was announced on Tuesday in a letter from NACo President Dennis Winfrey.

A release from the Douglas County Board of Commissioners said committee membership and leadership at the national level comes with serious responsibility and commitment. That includes keeping up-to-date on all legislative and regulatory action relevant to the steering committee and testifying or speaking before national legislative conferences and meetings in order to advance Douglas County’s and NACo’s policy concerns and priorities.

The release said this work is in addition to and in concert with the work Freeman does as a county commissioner.

Freeman said, “Continuing to bring the voice of western Oregon to the national level is an important function of the Douglas County Board of Commissioners. With over 50% of the land in Douglas County being managed by the Federal Government, it is imperative that we are front and center with those making decisions about how our land is managed. I am honored to be chosen and continue to serve, protect and advance the interests of Western Oregon at the National level”.

NACo was founded in 1935. Commissioner Freeman will talk more about the organization and his role on the Morning Conversation next Tuesday at 8:30 a.m. on News Radio 93-9 FM and 1240 KQEN.