August 21, 2022 1:00 p.m. 

Mop up activities are nearly complete on fires in the Douglas Forest Protection Association’s Douglas District.

Public Information Officer Rachael Pope said firefighters have worked vigorously on fire starts caused by thunderstorms last Wednesday. Pope said aerial and ground reconnaissance will continue to monitor and patrol incidents, provide information from the air and scout out any new reports of fire.

100 percent mop up was achieved Saturday night on the Quiet Mountain Fire in the Camas Valley area.

Control lines held throughout Saturday night on the Bear Mountain Fire in the Callahan Mountains, while an infrared crew identified hot spots throughout the area. 80 percent of mop up has been completed with the goal being to get to 100 percent soon.

On the Dutchman Complex between Winston-Dillard and Riddle, 95 percent of mop up have been completed on the last active fire. Crews continue their work.

A final progress update is expected to be issued Monday morning.