August 20, 2022 1:00 p.m.

Firefighters are gaining the upper hand on the majority of recent lightning caused fires on the Umpqua National Forest.

Pam Sichting of the UNF said two fires have been contained and three have been controlled

The status of the remaining fires:

Incident 313 is located near the Bohemia Mining District within the UNF, on lands protected by the Eastern Lane District, Oregon Department of Forestry. Windy Creek- Incident 317, and Steamboat Creek-Incident 318, located near the headwaters of Windy Creek on the divide between the Willamette and Umpqua National Forests, are approximately 1 and 1.6 acres and staffed with 16 smoke jumpers, a 20-person hand crew and engines aggressively to contain the fires.

Camel Hump-Incident 312, located near and in the Builder Creek Wilderness area, has been a challenge to suppress. Abundant snags, resulting from past fires present a risk to firefighter safety. Over 100,000 gallons of water have been aerially delivered to keep the fire in check. Due to the complexity of this incident, control will be turned over to Northwest Incident Management Team 10, currently also managing the Windigo, Potter and Big Swamp fires.