August 1, 2022 3:30 a.m.

As many people in the region head out for activities and summer road trips, the Pacific Northwest Wildfire Coordinating Group reminds residents that vehicles and other equipment can spark wildfires during the hot and dry months of summer.

Keep Oregon Green’s Executive Director Kristin Babbs said, “During fire season, equipment-sparked fires are the leading cause of wildfires in Oregon, and, within that category, vehicles are the top culprit”. Babbs said that roadside sparks and vehicle fires can easily spread to adjacent vegetation. She said drivers should always keep vehicles on improved surfaces, pack an up-to-date fire extinguisher in their car’s summer emergency kit, and know how to use it.

As of July 25th, there have been 1,102 wildfires in Oregon and Washington, with about 88 percent of them being human caused.

Safety tips to reduce vehicle related wildfires include:

*Ensure all parts of the vehicle are secure and not touching the ground

*Check tire pressure and look for signs of wear.

*A running vehicle’s exhaust system can reach temperatures up to 2,800 degrees Fahrenheit. Avoid driving, idling, parking on tall, dry grass or piles of brush that can touch the underside of a vehicle

*Follow recreational forest laws during fire season, including whether off-road driving is permitted

*Make sure that cooking appliances, generator and propane systems in recreational vehicles are all working properly

*Respect private forestlands and their designated areas

More information is available at: